
To date, under the management of S&P
Group there are:

3 restaurants, 1 nightclub and a banquet hall in Novocherkassk

The experience of successful asset management

in the restaurant business will allow you to effectively audit the business model of your restaurant, optimize the menu and procurement costs, review the principles of staff motivation and take the right steps for crisis management

Need advice
or training?

  • We will prepare a detailed analysis of the current situation in pricing and assortment.
  • We will conduct a marketing audit of your brand and concept.
  • We will organize a strategic session, evaluate personnel, train the team and select the missing personnel

Company services

S&P Hospitality

Operational management

Are you the owner of a hospitality facility and want it to generate more income?

We will take the hotel company into our own hands and make it profitable!

The key objective of our company's operating activities is to maximize the revenue of the hotel company and ensure the maximum possible return on the asset for the owner.

The service includes:

  • Financial and management accounting
  • Standardization
  • Sales Management
  • Personnel Management
  • Automation of business processes
  • Marketing
  • IT support
  • Technical operation

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    Operational management

    We take the object under our control and we make the business profitable

    Consulting and audit

    Does your hotel business generate little income or is it operating at a loss?

    Then, first of all, it is necessary to determine the efficiency of the hotel and its individual operational areas. Our professional audit will allow you to find out where you are losing money and identify growth points!

    Consulting and audit services allow owners of development projects and operating hotel companies to analyze the current situation, assess risks, make correct forecasts and establish operational processes.

    The service includes:

    • Audit of commercial policy and revenue consulting
    • Audit and creation of the SPiR structure
    • Audit and creation of the restaurant service structure
    • Audit and creation of the structure of the economic service
    • Audit and creation of a procurement system
    • Marketing audit and consulting
    • Personnel management and recruiting
    • Financial consulting and audit

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      Consulting and audit

      We conduct a full audit of your business, identify weak processes and promising areas, and provide an anti-crisis management plan

      Trainings and training

      Personnel in the hotel business decide everything!

      Continuous professional development of the staff of the hotel company allows you to increase the level of sales and service. Training makes it possible to build an effective system of work and improve the atmosphere of interaction in the team. Due to which the level and income of your business grows!

      Наши тренинговые программы:

      • Guest Path training and script implementation
      • Training "Interaction of departments"
      • Training "Registration and migration accounting"
      • Training "Service chips and sales"
      • Training and testing "Ideal administrator"
      • Training "Communication with Guests and responses to reviews"

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        Trainings and training

        We will help to improve the qualifications of your staff


        Hotel business development is our vocation!

        We create hotel companies and make them a highly profitable business.
        If you want to create a hotel "from scratch" and don't know where to start.
        If you have a plot or commercial real estate and you want to get the maximum benefit from them.
        If you want to invest your savings profitably and receive passive income.
        So, it's time to turn to our team of specialists!

        The service includes:

        • Business design
        • Search for real estate and land plots
        • Architectural design
        • Construction and legal support
        • Starting an object

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          We create hotel companies and bring them to a high level of income

          Crisis management

          Are you on the verge of closing your business?

          We will help to restore and bring your company to a new level!

          The team of S&P Hospitality professionals, possessing unique knowledge and experience, is ready to work with the most complex projects.

          A modern hotel is a complex multifunctional system, the maintenance and existence of which inevitably implies a high level of professional competence and organization of processes.

          The service includes:

          • Comprehensive audit of all operational areas
          • Reconfiguring internal processes
          • Getting the hotel business out of a crisis situation
          • Effective and successful management

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            Crisis management

            We will help your hotel business to get up
            on your feet

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              your consent to the processing of personal data